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홈 SEMINAR 공지사항
Global K-BioX Seminar 연사 소개 공동 주최 대학/기관 공지사항
글로벌 리더 인터뷰 (장철순 교수, UC Irvine) (한국 시간: 11/04/20 수요일 오전 10시)/ M&M Seminar (김슬기 박사 DGIST/김승현 박사)
등록일 Oct 29,2020 | 작성자 K-BioX | 조회수 1212
글로벌 리더 인터뷰 사전 등록: https://forms.gle/tFKMUQLn3ZUPR2RP7
Mix & Match Seminar 사전 등록: https://forms.gle/5skpvgraQ9EEVu2B8

장철순 교수 업적:

  • Zhao S*, Jang C*, Liu L, Uehara K, Gilbert M, et al. (2020). Dietary fructose feeds hepatic lipogenesis via microbiota-derived acetate. Nature 579:586-591.
  • Jang C*,#, Wada S*, Yang S, Gosis B, Zeng X, et al. (2020). The small intestine shields the liver from fructose-induced steatosis. Nature Metabolism 2:586-593. #corresponding author
  • Jang C, Hui S, Zeng X, Cowan AJ, Wang L, et al. (2019). Metabolite exchange between mammalian organs quantified in pigs. Cell Metabolism 30:596-606.
  • Neinast M*, Jang C*, Hui S, Murashige DS, Chu Q, et al. (2019). Quantitative analysis of the whole-body metabolic fate of branched-chain amino acids. Cell Metabolism 29:417-429.
  • Jang C, Li C, Rabinowitz JD. (2018) Metabolomics and isotope tracing. Cell 173:822-837. (Review)
  • Jang C, Hui S, Lu W, Cowan AJ, Morscher RJ, et al. (2018) The small intestine converts dietary fructose into glucose and organic acids. Cell Metabolism 27:351-361.